Ensure Proper Installation of a Door Viewer
Door viewers, commonly known as peepholes, play a crucial role in maintaining home security. It is imperative to verify the identity of individuals before opening the door. However, certain doors may not come equipped with peepholes, and even if they do, some peepholes may be too small to provide a clear view of the outside. This can allow cunning strangers to conceal themselves or appear distorted, making it difficult to identify them.
To eliminate any uncertainty, consider installing a wide-angle door viewer. This can be done in a similar manner to a standard peephole installation, by drilling a hole from each side of the door and securely fastening it in place with screws.
Protect Your Mailbox
The issue of mail theft is on the rise due to the vulnerability of unsecured mailboxes. To safeguard your mail and prevent thieves from stealing important documents such as checks, credit card offers, and personal information, it is advisable to invest in a security mailbox.
A security mailbox requires a key to access the contents once they have been dropped in. You can easily find such mailboxes online or at select home centers. Installing it is as simple as screwing it onto a wall or post, just like a standard mailbox.
Install a Safe
Installing a compact and affordable safe is sufficient for safeguarding our valuable possessions. Instead of investing in a large and costly safe, one can acquire a smaller safe for a few hundred dollars or even less. It is crucial to securely attach the safe to either the floor or wall to prevent any unauthorized individual from easily taking it away. The price of safes increases with additional features like fire resistance and advanced locking mechanisms such as digital or biometric (fingerprint reading) systems.
Window and Door Alarms
Ensuring the security of your home starts with keeping doors and windows securely locked. However, for an added layer of protection, wireless alarms come into play. These alarms are designed to activate whenever doors or windows are opened, serving as a deterrent to potential burglars. The piercing sound of even a compact alarm is enough to send them fleeing. Strategically placing these alarms on doors and windows in inconspicuous areas of the house, where gatherings are uncommon and darkness prevails, further enhances their effectiveness.
Pin Locks for Double-Hung Windows
Burglars armed with pry bars can easily overcome the factory latches on double-hung windows. However, the effectiveness of these latches can be enhanced by installing affordable pin locks. With just a few minutes of your time, you can secure each window by drilling a hole to keep it closed, and another hole a few inches higher to allow for partial opening, ensuring proper ventilation.
Motion Sensor Lights
Motion sensor lights have been proven to effectively deter crime. In cases where accessing a power source is challenging, consider purchasing solar-powered lights. It is crucial to ensure that the solar panel receives direct sunlight, as it will continue to charge even on overcast days.
Whole-Home Alarm Systems
Studies conducted by law enforcement have shown that whole-home alarm systems act as a strong deterrent against burglaries. When burglars believe that a property is equipped with a reliable alarm system, they are more likely to avoid targeting it and seek out easier opportunities elsewhere. For approximately $200, you can purchase a high-quality wireless alarm system from various online retailers. While setting up the hardware is a straightforward process, programming the system may pose some difficulties. Opting for a battery-operated wireless DIY alarm system eliminates the need for complex wiring. Simply connect the control box to your Internet router, install the sensors and arming station, and configure the unit for optimal security.
Install Anti-jacking Screws
Secure your sliding door or window by installing anti-jacking screws. Drive two 3-inch long screws through the top track and into the header above the opening. Ensure there is enough clearance for the door or window to move, while preventing any unauthorized entry attempts.
Enhance the Security of Exterior Doors
Most burglars can easily break through entry doors with just a few kicks or body blows, even if there is a deadbolt in place. This force can cause the doorjamb to shatter and the door itself to split, including steel doors. To significantly improve the strength of your doorjamb, you can install longer screws for the strike plate that will anchor into the stud behind the jamb.
To start, remove one of the existing screws and replace it if it is shorter than 3 inches. For enhanced security of the doorjamb, you may want to consider installing a heavy-duty strike plate that is 6 inches long. This task is more complex as it requires mortising a larger opening and driving in six 3-inch screws. However, if your entry door is adjacent to a sidelight and you are unable to install long screws, you can purchase and install a 48-inch-long doorjamb reinforcement plate.
Edge Guards
You can also prevent door splitting with a door edge guard. Measure the door thickness and deadbolt lock backset before you head to the home center. Then buy a guard to fit around your door and deadbolt. Installing the guard should take about 15 minutes.
Enhance the security of your wooden garage entry door
Enhance the security of your wooden garage entry door by reinforcing it with a 1/2-inch plywood panel and securing it with 2x4s in bar-holder brackets. Simply adding a deadbolt will not provide adequate protection against potential break-ins.
Document Shredders
Document shredders are becoming increasingly important in the face of rising identity theft cases. Often, individuals are unaware that they have fallen victim to such crimes until they apply for a loan and discover that their credit has been severely damaged. To safeguard your identity, it is advisable to shred personal documents such as credit card offers, bank statements, and bills.
Office supply stores offer a range of shredders, with prices starting at $20. While basic models are available at this price point, there are also more expensive options that can shred not only paper but also credit cards, CDs, and multiple sheets of paper. For enhanced security, certain shredders even have the capability to “micro-shred” documents.
Video Cameras
Install video cameras near entry points. Many intruders will likely be deterred by the presence of cameras without bothering to verify their authenticity.
Position video surveillance equipment close to entrances. The majority of burglars are unlikely to risk entering a property with visible cameras, regardless of whether they are real or fake.